Thursday, 21 February 2013

Assembly tomorrow!

These past few weeks have flown by and we're ready for our first assembly of 2013... we're even leading it!  We'd love it if you could come along to hear us sing the song we've been learning and to find out about all the exciting learning that's been happening around Stonefields.  It will be an awesome morning starting just after 9am in the hall.


  1. Very sorry we can't make it tomorrow. Lily has been practising her line all week! Hope it all goes well.

  2. Well done getting your building learning capacity sticker Zoe, I am very proud of you. Zoe's Dad, Iain.

  3. Well done Hub 1... loved the singing and confident speakers!

  4. we came along with our daughter Ira and loved it !! excellent learning and Kush did well with his calling for Hub 3 on stage.
