Monday, 11 November 2013

Keeping our 'Children' Safe!

Today we started a new concept writing focus.

Some of our learners decorated biscuits to turn them into our children... we then made carry bags and containers for them to go home in.  Over the next few days we're going to be taking our children with us and doing our best to keep them safe.  I wonder what they might get up to!

Feel free to decorate them at home and take photos of what they do after and before school - be sure to keep them safe.

Is it ok to leave your child at home by themselves?

Is it ok to leave them out in the yucky weather?


  1. Not really but situations do change/ differ at times. It's vital that we as parents talk to our kids about their personal safety (the good & the bad things that can & cannot happen).

    1. Absolutely - I wonder who will talk to their parents to get some tips about how to care for their gingerbread children!

  2. Replies
    1. It was great to see so many LH1 learners remember to bring their children to school today - let's see if they all remember tomorrow!
