Friday 15 November 2013

Healthy Eating!

For Concept, Mrs. Freddy's writing group has been looking at healthy eating and what kind of food is healthy on the food pyramid.  

Here is a song that we performed to help us, and to help everyone at home!

Here are the words just in case!

Eat them everyday

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
Throw your sweets overboard,
So they can not be seen!

Fruit, veggies, milk and cheese,
Eat them everyday, 
Meat, eggs, bread and grain, 
Give energy to play!


  1. Annabelle must have been singing this song more than ten times after she came back from school today. This song is really good as Annabelle did not ask for sweet after dinner tonight!!

  2. I really enjoyed our writing last time about food Mrs Freddy!!!
